Year: 2025

How to Make Laundry Soap (DIY Liquid or Powder Recipe)

Homemade laundry detergent is one of the easiest parts of a transition to natural living. This natural laundry soap recipe is a great way to save money and is incredibly easy to make. It almost makes tackling that pile of…

Cherry Cheesecake — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Cherry Cheesecake Servings: 1 Nutritional Supplement1 Fiber1 Fruit Suitable for all Freedom meal plans only Ingredients:1 MWLC Cheesecake Nutritional Supplement1 MWLC Cherry Gelatin Fiber Fulfill9 medium fresh Cherries, pitted Preparation:Mix Cheesecake per package directions.  Fill a sandwich bag with cheesecake…

Full Body Circuit Training Workouts The Ultimate Guide

Full body circuit training is a type of workout that combines strength and cardiovascular exercises in a structured sequence. Participants complete a series of exercises targeting different muscle groups with minimal rest in between. This format allows for a high-intensity,…

Garlic & Chive Spice Mix — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Servings:Counts as nothing Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans Ingredients:6 Tbsp Chives, dried5 Tbsp minced Garlic, dried3 Tbsp Dill, dried1 tsp Black Pepper Preparation:Combine chives, garlic, dill, and pepper in a small bowl. Stir well to recombine after…

Healthy Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe

Salad dressings are a great thing to start making yourself. Not only will you save money, but the flavor is so much better with fresh ingredients. Even better, you can avoid vegetable oils and other additives from store-bought dressing. This…

Beef Broccoli — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Updated: 12/9/24 Beef Broccoli Servings:1 Protein2 Vegetables1 Starch Suitable for Freedom and FastTrack meal plans Ingredients:1 serving lean Beef, thin sliced ¼ medium Green Pepper sliced¼ medium Onion sliced1 cup Broccoli 1 serving Kraft Fat Free French Dressing1 pinch fresh…

Are Oxalates A Problem or No Big Deal?

There’s no shortage of nutritional advice out there, and many experts tell us entire food groups are bad. Vegans advise against animal products, while carnivore followers warn against grains and legumes. Yet, leafy greens seem to be universally praised. When…

Double Chocolate Cake — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Double Chocolate Cake Servings:2 Nutritional Supplements Suitable for all Freedom meal plans only Ingredients:1 MWLC Chocolate Fudge Cake Nutritional Supplement 1 MWLC Chocolate Pudding Shake Nutritional Supplement  4 oz. Water Preparation:Combine both packets in a bowl, mixing the powders with…

Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe

I’ve mentioned before how I stopped tooth decay and helped remineralize teeth. For healthy tooth enamel, it’s important to focus on good nutrition and have a great oral care routine. If you’re dealing with sensitive teeth, this homemade remineralizing toothpaste…

Vinegar Salad Dressing — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Ingredients: 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Tbsp juice from a fresh Lemon2 tsp. fresh Onion, finely chopped 2 servings Stevia ½ tsp. Dry Mustard 1 tsp. Paprika Preparation: Combine all ingredients. Refrigerate. Shake well before using. Note: This dressing…